Team GRAFA membership is incorporated into GRAFA’s class prices.
Our value packages include the Advanced class with membership, and other training options available for the students. Membership is highly recommended by the Maestros.
Membership in Team GRAFA entitles you to the following privileges and obligations:
Private lessons with Maestros Mikhail or Arkadiy (must be approved by Maestros and require additional fees).
Private lessons with other coaching staff, based on the coach's recommendation and availability.
Private lessons are available in packages of eight. The Lession duration is 30 min.
Opportunity to qualify for Team GRAFA's travel team, competing at USFA/FIE-sanctioned tournaments.
Team GRAFA Members are instructed to maintain their equipment and are expected to keep it safe and in working condition.
All Team GRAFA members should welcome new members, visitors, and beginning fencers.
GRAFA fencers are expected always to exhibit exemplary behavior, whether at the club or representing GRAFA at a tournament.
Members are required to list GRAFA as their competition club with the USFA.
Grand Rapids Fencing Academy holds several social functions each year. While attendance is certainly not required, members will tell you it is a shame to miss any of our get-togethers!
Playing Safely with… Swords?
If you’ve read our Maestros’ origin story, you already get that the draw for kids to play with swords is pretty timeless. And FUN.
Fencing is a wonderfully safe outlet for this youthful urge to mimic combat, while also developing outstanding coordination, strategic thinking, and adaptive resilience.
GRAFA’s fencing community is also a wonderfully warm and extremely professional environment to explore this classic, Olympic sport. (Bonus: If they stick with it, fencing can also help with college admissions.)
Have more questions? Check out our Safety Section, where we detail all the ins & outs of fencing safety and sport.