Grand Rapids Fencing Academy is known for training the Midwest’s top roster of fencing graduates, many of whom are recruited to fence for outstanding colleges and universities, winning national and global titles along the way.

Meet our College Crew

“Will fencing get my kid into college?”

Short Answer:
“It sure could!”

Fencing builds strategic thinking and discipline in student athletes. Top universities and colleges know this. Our sport is also one of the oldest in the NCAA. (It is a pretty classic sport.)

Even if the sport is simply on your college application, admissions will dig what you’re throwing down — fencers make excellent students, athletes, and potential Olympians.

Long Answer:
“Yeah. Like, lots of colleges…”

Here’s a quick list of U.S. Colleges with active fencing programs, many recruiting top fencers both nationally & internationally.


  • Harvard

  • Yale

  • Princeton

  • Cornell

  • Columbia

  • UPenn

ACC Schools

  • Notre Dame

  • Boston College

  • Duke

  • North Carolina

But wait… there’s more!

  • Johns Hopkins

  • Northwestern

  • Ohio State

  • Carnegie Mellon

  • Stanford

  • NYU

  • MIT

  • Penn State

  • Cal Tech

  • Penn State

  • Brandeis

  • Tufts

  • UCSD

  • US Air Force Academy

  • US Naval Academy

  • West Point (USMA)

How do we know?
Ask our Maestros’ kids.

Both Maestro Mikhail and Arkadiy’s children attended GRAFA — becoming fourth-generation fencers — going on to become outstanding college athletes themselves.